Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Actor Albert Insinnia charged with child porn possession

Albert Insinnia, the 57 year old actor who is known for NBC's "Law and Order: Special Victims Unit" has been charged with possession of child pornography.

Insinnia was charged with possession of child pornography after authorities discovered 180 images of child porn from the hard disk of Insinnia's laptop computer.

After getting bail tuesday morning, Insinnia's lawyer Joseph Portelli says "I understand what he's been charged with, but I do have to say that based on my conversations with him and the authorities involved, I sincerely believe he's not guilty,"

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1 comment:

ellen said...


After a thorough investigation, and my living with some of the most devastating and misleading publicity imaginable to anyone, the case involving me, Albert Insinnia, and the repair of a computer containing an ancient hard drive and, apparently, internet images of people under the age of eighteen years was

by the Superior Court, Passaic County, New Jersey.

And justice, in my opinion, was well-served in my case. I am grateful for the fairness I was shown.

Abuse of anyone, direct or indirect is abhorrent to all of us and to God.
